
What this is and how it's made.

This site is a personal project, a digital garden of sorts, how everyone likes to call it. It's a place where I can learn new things and improve my skills. It's also a place where I can share my thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world.

I'm constantly tweaking and refining this site, adding new content, and improving the user experience. Just like life itself, it's a work in progress.

Technical stuff

I've built this site using my favorite tech stack. While I'm always open to trying new tools and technologies, I've found this combination to work best for me:

The source code is not open-source, but it might be in the future. I keep all the code and content in a private repository on my GitHub. But hey, you can always shoot me a DM on đť•Ź or send me an email if you're curious about something specific.

Typography and icons

The text on this site is set in Inter, with a sprinkle of Lora for some emphasis. Only two weights are used: 400 and 500. JetBrains Mono is used for code blocks and snippets, it's in my editor as well. Icons are from Lucide built by an awesome community.


The site's design and layout draw inspiration from some of the most skilled designers and engineers on the web. Here are a few of them, in no particular order:

This list goes beyond with examples of the most cleanest looking and minimal websites, all carefully selected by Dead Simple Sites.

  1. I like to see where my users are coming from and I use Vercel Analytics to track page views and visitors count. No other data is used or collected by me. Check out Vercel's privacy policy for more information. ↑